Saturday, February 22, 2020

Challenges and opportunities effects of Canada's changing population Essay

Challenges and opportunities effects of Canada's changing population reality - Essay Example It is expected that, between 2015 and 2021, the aged people will be more than the population of children below fifteen years. Increase of aged population will have a number of challenges, which the Canadian government articulates on swiftly. Factors contributing to this population trend include decrease in birth rate for the last one decade and increase in life expectancy level. Effects of changing population in Canada Reduction of Labour Force Industries and other sectors of production depend heavily on labour force of young and energetic people. In Canada, as the population trends stands, there is an increase of the aged people who are not productive as compared to juniors. Reduction of the work force in industries will have tremendous consequences such as a decrease in production thus fall in profit. The overall countries economy will be affected as the tax levied from these industries is determined by the volume of production. Increased competition of skilled labour A lot of Cana dian’s population has attained the retirement age. There being no enough young people to fill the gap left by retiring people, this has led to rise in competition of skilled workers (Carstairs and Keon 73). ... As a result of this, many companies and industries are experiencing low and poor production growth rate. Increase of public health care spending Canadian population being dominated by the aged people has led to increase of the public health care spending. Aged people needs a close attention on health care matters as their bodies are generally weak and susceptible to illnesses. Health services and associated policies makers will need to come up with necessary measures so as to cope with these demands (Carstairs and Keon 34). Health sector have to identify key challenges facing the ageing people and formulate constructive and a lasting solution to them. The paramount way to have a lasting solution is by health sector involving the aged to identify what they want for their health care. In order to facilitate all this, government will therefore have to spend more to cater for aged health issues. Slower Population Growth According to researches, the fertility rate of human beings is high at young age and decreases significantly as one advances in age. Aged people being the majority in Canada, pose a serious decrease of population growth due to the fact that aged people are not fertile, hence they cannot reproduce. Slower population growth indicates that in the near future, the country will lack enough manpower to handle its various activities (Carstairs and Keon 13). Reduction of Growth Rate Productivity is measured on how much an individual can accomplish in a given duration of time. Therefore, productivity is an indispensable aspect of daily life of mankind as it determines their living standards. High productivity enhances good living standard whereas low productivity cause poor

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Informtion Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Informtion Technology - Essay Example Larkin university faces the dual challenge of integrating itself into a university from a diverse group of colleges and at the same time deploying a technology blueprint to launch itself as a modern competitive educational institution. While traditional thinking may argue that technology deployment is a secondary tool-oriented task, modern approaches to information technology suggest that a sound IT strategy is not only a key enabler for the institutional plan but also an integrated part of it. As a result, â€Å"correct technologies† can â€Å"enable the required IS and corporate strategies to be achieved† (Clarke, 2001, p. 107). A failure in an organisation’s IT and IS strategy can translate into a failure for the organisation itself. A strategy for IT is closely aligned and integrated with the institutions overall strategy for growth and competitive advantage. Organisations typically have a slow response time to change, particularly so in the case of wide scale technology shifts. Larkin University has the unique ongoing challenge of combining existing collages into a university. This challenge could be turned into an advantage by using the new IT infrastructure as the vehicle of change. Laptops for staff, lecturers and students are just the end user side of the sea change in IT infrastructure and IS strategy taking place at the university. A productivity environment with standardised IT/IS platform and common email would free the users from issues of compatibility and delays in support of disparate systems. An institution-wide Internet availability would allow the university’s intranet to be accessed from anywhere. This higher productivity environment would enable the staff and lecturers to concentrate on their core functions. Standardised administrative applications such as scheduling, registration, fee, etc. can be deployed across the campus with minimum integration issues. Lecturers and students would interact and have access to their